Mesin RO Air Laut 2500 Liter/Hari
Mesin RO Air Laut 2500 Liter/Hari adalah metode penyaringan air asin atau payau menjadi air tawar yang menggunakan membrane reverse osmosis air laut. Mesin Reverse Osmosis Air Laut 2500 Liter/Hari ini dirangkai dalam satu frame berbahan material mild steel marine painted sehingga sangat praktis digunakannya yang terdiri dari beberapa part yaitu membrane system, sediment filter, pressure pump, dan panel control.Spesifikasi Mesin RO Air Laut 2500 Liter/Hari :
- Frame : Mild Steel Marine Painted
- Sediment Filter : Spun Filter Cartridge 20 inch 5 micron x 1 pcs
- Housing Filter : Acrylonitrile Styrene 20 inch x 1 unit
- Feed Pump : G-Pump SS316, Horizontal Multistage Pump 0,55 kw
- High Pressure Pump : G-Pump SS316, Motor Siemens 2200 watt
- Membrane SWRO : Keensen Type 4040 x 1 unit
- Membrane Housing : Pureline Fiber Reinforced Plastic 1000 psi, Type 4040 x 1 unit
- Membrane Housing Arrangement : Horizontal
- Power : 2750 watt
Instrumentation :
- Motorized Ball Valve : E-Tork SS316 64 bar x 1 unit
- Flowmeter : Acrylix 1 gpm x 1 unit
- Pressure Gauge : Panel SS316 7 bar, Panel SS316 100 bar
Piping and Fitting :
- Low Pressure : UPVC
- High Pressure : SS316 Sch 80
- Fitting : Class 3.000 Psi
Electrical Panel Box
- Material : Polycarbonat
- Dimensions : 40cm x 60cm x 25cm
RO Programme Controller :
- 6 Channels Signal Detection(Dry Contact Input) : Raw Water (no water protection), Low Pressure Protection, High Pressure Protection, Pure Water Tank High Level, External Control Mode Signal, Running Reset
- 5 Channels Control Port (Dry Contact Output) : Raw Water Pump, Inlet Valve, High Pressure Pump, Flush Valve, Conductivity Over Limit Drainage Valve
- Conductivity Detection : Measurement Range 0,5 - 2000 ppm
- Temperature Detection : 0 - 50°C
Control Panel :
- Auto Electrical Control by RO controller
- Low and High Pressure Switch System
- TDS Monitor and Sensor for Permeate Water
- Filter in, Filter out, HP Pump Out, and Membranes Vessels Pressure Gauge filled by Glycerine
- Elektrikal : Telemecanique dan Merlin Gerin
Persyaratan Air Baku Umpan Mesin Reverse Osmosis Air Laut 2500 Liter/Hari :
- Inlet water TDS max : 42.000 ppm
- Oil : Free
- Feed Temperature : 5°C - 45°C
By : PT DELTA PURO INDONESIA ~ Industrial & Commercial Water Treatment, Filtration Systems, Custom Purification and Components Company
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