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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Resin Tulsion T-40

Resin Tulsion T-40

Resin Tulsion T-40

Resin Tulsion T-40 adalah adalah resin penukar kation asam kuat dari polistiren tipe tersulfonasi, untuk aplikasi water softener. Tulsion T-40 memiliki kapasitas tukar yang sangat baik dan stabilitas operasi kimia yang stabil. Resin Kation Tulsion T-40 keluaran dari Thermax-India ini dapat digunakan pada berbagai kondisi suhu dan pH dan dikemas dalam plastik bag kapasitas 25 liter.

Typical Characteristics Resin Cation Tulsion T-40

- Type : Strong Acid Cation Exchange Resin
- Matrix structure : Cross-linked Polystyrene
- Functional group : Sulfonic Acid
- Physical form : Moist Spherical Beads
- Ionic form : Sodium
- Screen size U.S.S.(wet) : 16 to 50
- Particle size : 0.3 to 1.2 mm
- Total Exchange Capacity : 1.8 meq/ml
- Swelling (approx.) : Na+ to H+ 10%
- Moisture content (approx.) : 50%
- pH range : 0 to 14
- Solubility : Insoluble in all common solvents
- Backwash settled density : 810 to 850 g/l

Typical Operating Conditions Resin Tulsion T-40

- Maximum operating temp. : 140°C (280°F)
- Resin bed depth (minimum) : 24” (600 mm)
- Maximum Service flow : 60 m3/hr/m3
- Backwash expansion space : 40 to 75%
- Backwash flow rate for 40 to 75% : 10 to 16 m3/hr/m2
- Regenerant : NaCI
- Regeneration level 100% NaCI : 60 to 160 g/l
- Regenerant flow rate : 1 to 4 m3/hr/m3
- Regeneration time : 20 to 40 minutes
- Regenerant concentration : 5 to 15 %
- Rinse volume : 3 to 5 m3/m3

By : PT DELTA PURO INDONESIA ~ Industrial & Commercial Water Treatment, Filtration Systems, Custom Purification and Components Company

PT DELTA PURO INDONESIA Resin Tulsion T-40 ini dipublish oleh PT DELTA PURO INDONESIA. Jika ada pertanyaan dan informasi seputar produk dan layanan kami dapat menghubungi kami di 021-29601576, 081214208512 atau email ke : info@deltapuro.com